Dear Supporters,

I was reminded today, that New City Neighbors has more work to do as it relates to you, our donors.

We send you mailings asking for financial help. We send you invitations asking you to attend our auction. We send e-newsletters asking for volunteers, votes, and meals. We don’t often follow those things up with a report of how the fundraiser went, if we received the volunteers we needed, or how your financial gifts have made a difference.

When I say we, I really mean me.

I want you to know that as donors, prayer warriors, volunteers, and advocates, we really appreciate you. Many of you go above and beyond to help NCN grow as a ministry and impact the lives of children living in the Creston community.

Your time, money, energy, and prayers are making a difference!

  • There is Jay, a student at 180 who came alive last week as we talked about God the Creator. As we unpacked Genesis, and looked at how and why God created everything, he began to ask lots of questions. He’d heard the story of creation before but this time something clicked. Spiritual lights were turning on for him and he saw God in a new and profound way.
  • There is the high school ministry where we have a number of new students this year. This ministry isn’t attention grabbing like the Bakery, Farm or 180, but it is providing discipleship for high school students, many of whom have been with us through Breaktime, GEMS, the Bakery, and 180. Some of those students are struggling and are having a crisis of faith, but they come because of the relationships they have with leaders and the love they know they’ll receive. Some of those students are growing into leaders. I genuinely hope and believe that some of them will soon start to help with 180 and lead their peers to Christ.
  • There is the Farm which is about to close out its third year. We’ve spent months wrestling with high school students to help them see their potential and become not only people of Christ, but people who are leaders in this community. We have seen students beginning to take up the role, and we’re excited for their future.

Your financial donations keep these ministries alive and allow us to truly minister to at-risk students. We can’t say thank you enough! The students in our ministries don’t know you directly, but they benefit from your love daily.

Your donations of items to our auction have been overwhelming this year. I am blown away by your generosity! We have one of the best auctions, in terms of items, that we have ever had.

Your volunteer hours provide students with adults in their lives who care about them. They need you in ways you don’t understand. I know you’re busy, and I’m grateful for all you do.

Your prayers are invaluable! We wouldn’t be where we are without the large number of you praying for the students in our ministries, the adults who volunteer their time, and the people who bless us financially.

There is no New City Neighbors without you. Thank you for all you do! Your time, money, energy, and prayers are making a difference, I promise!

