In your share this week: Tomatoes, Carrots, Potatoes, Eggplant/Peppers, Leeks/Scallions, Onions/Garlic, Kale/Chard/Celery, Basil/Mint, U-pick Cherry Tomatoes The weather is feeling more and more like fall as we enter into September. This time of year a delicious hot...
In your farm share this week: Tomatoes, Summer squash/Eggplant/Peppers, Head Lettuce, Onions/Garlic, Celery/Rhubarb, Potatoes, Scallions/Leek, U-pick Cherry Tomatoes, Basil/Cilantro/Mint Eggplant is one of those vegetables that some people love. Everyone else falls...
In your farm share this week: Tomatoes, Summer squash, Lettuce, Peppers/ Eggplant, Kale/ Chard, Potatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Basil/ Cilantro First, let’s talk storing potatoes. This week we have adirondack blue and red potatoes, they are purple and pink all the...
In your share this week: Tomatoes, Cucumbers/ summer squash, Carrots/turnips/beets, Peppers/eggplant/scallions, Onions/garlic, Arugula/lettuce mix/baby kale, Basil/cilantro, U-pick cherry tomatoes Sometimes it’s nice to not have to turn on your oven! Below are a...
In your share this week: Tomatoes/ Broccoli, Carrots, Salad Turnips/Beets, Scallions/ Celery/ Eggplant, Garlic/ Onions, Cucumbers/ Summer Squash, Basil/ Thai Basil, U-Pick Cherry Tomatoes/ Beans This week you’ll have the choice to pick up some basil (pictured...
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