This week we would like to introduce you to one of the faces around the farm this summer: our college New City Farm Intern, Emma Vanderkolk. Our college farm intern helps out with our summer curriculum for youth employees, helps enhance our marketing materials, and...
In your share this week: Tomatoes/ Broccoli, Carrots, Salad Turnips/Beets, Scallions/ Celery/ Eggplant, Garlic/ Onions, Cucumbers/ Summer Squash, Basil/ Thai Basil, U-Pick Cherry Tomatoes/ Beans This week you’ll have the choice to pick up some basil (pictured...
New City Farm share this week: Tomatoes/ Broccoli, Cucumbers/ Summer Squash, Onions, Garlic, Carrots, Beets/ Eggplant/ Radishes, Kale/ Collards/ Chard, Cherry Tomatoes/ Beans As we begin to have more and more tomatoes available this summer, remember that tomatoes...
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