The Bakery Managers: Claudia and Abbie

By: Riley Box

This week I got to sit down with Claudia and Abbie to have a Q&A session. The cafe has just opened for the summer, and manage our middle school bakery program. They have a strong passion for baking and working with students in the community.

A- Abbie         C- Claudia

Where do you attend school?

A: I go to CA Frost

C: I go to Wellspring

What’s your favorite subject?

A: Math

C: English

Can you describe your experience from working in the bakery?

A: “Being able to be a part of a fun community, we do fun things and it’s not as serious, which makes it more enjoyable. Yesterday we had a rap battle.”

C: “The challenges we give students and it is really cool to see them grow over time.”

What are some of your hobbies outside of baking?

A: Anything crafty like sewing, refurbish furniture, and hammocking

C: Writing, drawing, and singing whenever the mood strikes

What is your favorite part of the cafe?

Both: The random conversations the staff has when making pizzas.

What is your favorite kind of pizza/soup from the cafe?

Both: Loaded Baked Potato Pizza

Would you want to work in a bakery in the future?

A: I want to start a bakery or cafe

C: A friend who owns a bakery and I could possibly work there when I’m of age.

What advice would you give to novice bakers?

A: “Have fun enjoy the community around you. You need to enjoy it and put love into the items you bake.”

C: “Dont worry if you make a mistake or if the recipe does not turn out good.”

What is one cool trick you use in the cafe?

“We put an oil coat on our pizzas before putting the sauce on, to prevent it from getting burnt.”