Our New Addition, Kyle!

By: Riley Box

Kyle is one of the new additions to the New City Neighbors team this year as the Farm and Kitchen Manager. As a high school student, I personally get to work with Kyle each week. It was really fun to interview him. Kyle got his start in farming in a combination of books and travel. Kyle visited a farm in Georgia in college, and was also influenced by reading Wendell Berry’s (an American novelist and farmer) books. Kyle also experienced farming first hand with his internship at a farm in Chicago. Kyle graduated from Trinity Christian College with  a double major in theology and physiology. Despite his degree, Kyle really found his passion in farming. He has been working in this field for six years. Kyle is a very passionate farmer, and truly loves what he does. It’s very obvious from the way his face lights up and his smile grows. Kyle has personally inspired me to continue pursuing my love and passion for farming through watching his own.

Something you should know about Kyle is he is very open and loves conversations with, in his words, “other humans” (So say hi!). When Kyle isn’t  farming, he is spending time outdoors taking long aimless walks. He also enjoys juggling, reading, and bartending. You can see Kyle at CSA pick-up. He is always the first to greet you with a warm smile. Don’t be afraid to ask him any questions or start up a conversation on any random topic. Kyle’s favorite thing is just talking to people.

Fun Facts about Kyle

What is your favorite part about farming?

“Generally speaking working outdoors with my hands and creating something. I want to be able to produce something, I love seeing the whole picture from start to finish.”

What is your favorite veggie?

“Garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, and bok choy. It’s impossible to only choose one, so I will settle for these ones.”

What is your favorite thing to cook?

“My go-to recipe would be bok choy stir fry with peanut sauce.”